About the project

The EPWESS project aims to influence positively on the quality of training of professionals providing social services of support to entrepreneurs by detecting skills which those professionals have to have for providing quality support to new entrepreneurs.

The EPWESS project will identify, in relation to European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET), these skills and define the professional profile of the personnel working in the entities for the support to entrepreneurs.  

Furthermore, the EPWESS project will develop an online tool for the validation of those skills and Training Guide which will drive to a training activity during the project implementation and which will have as object the professional training of participants, deriving from entities for the support to entrepreneurs. 


Innovative element of this project is the use of a European tool in development, named ECVET, defining clearly the skills of personnel working in the entities for the support to entrepreneurs. While the ECVET tool is being used for the improvement of training of professionals in different areas, during the initial phase of investigation and analysis of the EPWESS project, no European project focused on present topic was found.

The use of the common framework, in continuous development, as in the case of ECVET can and should assume an innovative element which unifies training requirements of the target group on European level.  This way, the transferability of skills of mentioned target group between various countries will suppose, moreover, a positive impact on work mobility of human resources on European level. 


The EPWESS project will develop, in turn, a training course in Training Guide which will indicate skills required for the working in entities for the support to entrepreneurs, training activity which presumes an innovative element and good tool to be used by this entities for the support, lacking of which was discovered during the preliminary phase of this project preparation.

Hence, the combination of European tools in development (ECVET) with an online platform for the visibility of skills already acquired from part of target group and detection of shortages in their professional profile, but also a development of a training course aimed at improving of professional training of the target group.